Simba (Adopted)

Species: Syrian

Est. Age: 4-5 months

Gender: Male

Likes: Wheel, fruits, sorghum sprays, nuts, cocopeat

Dislikes: stuff getting caught in his fur, being grabbed, empty foodbowl

Fosterer's IG:

Simba, while named for his lusciously long mane and skirt, is actually kind of a wimp. He has a very gentle personality, but can be very curious. He can be a bit of an idiot - once he cuddled with a cracked walnut instead of trying to get into it! Simba can be quite jumpy when startled, so approach him like when with a royal - slowly and making your presence known.

Simba adores his wheel, and can be often found running on it in the evening times and at dead of night. When not working out, he will be snoozing on a flat platform or snuggled deep in some cocopeat or his hideouts, Though named after a king, Simba is often quite unkempt and has some serious bedhead! He also can get bedding tangled in his skirt, so it is a must to gently extract these from his fur. In some cases, his skirt must be trimmed to get the offending piece of bedding out, but with daily care, these will be rare.

Simba has gotten used to his hoomans' routines, and can be found waiting by his foodbowls for his daily serving of fresh food for supper. He will also come up to the door during these times, as he looks forward to indulging in some baby food and crispy veggies. He has gotten a bit pickier recently with his dry food, but can be trusted to finish all of his food in his bowl eventually.

He can be picked up with relative ease, but takes better to getting scooped up with both hands. He has never bitten and instead might jump out of your hands if he is feeling threatened. It would be best to handle him close to the ground and in an enclosed area.

Simba is gradually growing into his name and becoming more and more confident! Will you be his honoured subject?

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