
Species: Dwarf Hybrid

Gender: Female

Age/DOB: June 2023

Likes: Sunflower seeds, Burrowing

Dislikes: Being handled for too long

Fosterer’s Instagram: -

Miffie's food-loving heart is so big, that you will see her dashing out when she smells/ hears food. Between feasts, she's happily occupied in her burrow, always mindful of her next delicious adventure. Miffie shows no interest in anything else other than food, thus, her fosterer barely sees her other than her meal times.

Miffie is a gentle hamster and hasn't once bitten her fosterer, not even on the first day. However, her curiosity sometimes leads to playful nibbles, but they're harmless and more a sign of her inquisitive nature than anything else. Due to her curious nature, you might also catch Miffie following your hands around in her cage.

Miffie, while gentle, is still adjusting to human interactions and may occasionally jump off hands. Potential adopters should be patient with her as she gets used to her new environment.


Cage: As per HSS requirement 90cm x 50cm x 50cm (the bigger the better)

Wheel: As per HSS requirement, 21-25cm for dwarf

Bedding: Preferably one that holds burrows well, currently on Fatpouches Teabag Bedding

Food: As per HSS requirement, currently on Fatpouches Summer Hamster Seed Mix

Enrichment: A thick bedding to burrow in