
Species: Syrian

Estimated DOB: July 2023

Gender: Female

Likes: pine nuts, sweet corn, fresh tofu, leafy veggies and…freeroam, freeroam and more freeroam!

Dislikes: Being grabbed or surprised, so be gentle ;) 

Fosterer’s Instagram account: @biscuit_toffee


Ever felt like something was missing

looking at a pretty face? What is it that it’s missing? She looks perfect. She’s gentle. What more should you possibly want? Ah yes - a slight flash of psycho it is. 

This seemingly gentle girl (and trust her foster parent, she is indeed gentle at least most of the time) is on a smaller side around 130g as a grown up female Syrian, potentially because of her upbringing as one of those from a massive hoarding case in March 2024. She came to her fosterer with many minor bite marks on her body, indicating that she might have fought hard to survive in a tough upbringing. Panini is therefore also a little timid. She jumps if you make a sudden loud noise. She also tends to be stoned for an extended time, which is perfect for a photo-op but makes you think if she is broken. (I’m kidding…she’s perfect)

She doesn’t bite, she lets you pick her up quite easily and enjoys your attention. She’s a good girl. 

So why psycho? 

Panini has a tendency of having an impulsive fixation on something. And yes, if she decided she wants to do it - she wants it done. It can be a fosterer’s beloved bucastate tank’s corner miserably nibbled away with a massive hole that it cannot be used anymore. Or it could be the unusually quick panicky dash away from your attempt to catch her if she’s not satisfied with her free roaming yet…

The flash of psycho is not out in your face most of the time. But when it is, well, good luck. You might facepalm for the mess she made, laugh until you burp by her comical reaction or simply fall in love further with her. 

Don’t be fooled by her angelic face...she is not just pretty. She’s a whole package, including a little promise that she will be your favorite girl. Are you ready to bring this soft cuddly mini bear to your home and give her the forever home + playground? 


Food - Panini is currently on FP ultimate mix as a main food plus daily fresh food + variety of treats including sprays. 

Hideouts - She loves her hideouts and sometimes won’t come out most of the nights when hoomans are awake. She has a multi chamber as well as 2 ceramic hideouts at her fosterhome. Please provide her with at least 2 different kinds of hideouts so she will enjoy bed hopping! 

Sand - Give her a good sized sand bath as she loves digging it and just sitting there all stoned at times. She is pretty much toilet trained but we all know we never know for sure…