
Species: Syrian

Gender: Male

Estimated DOB: May 2023

Likes: Freeze-dried tofu, Whimzees, FP porridge, Emeraid, running in his wheel, fresh cabbage, black sorghum sprays 

Dislikes: Peas, bright light, getting woken up

Fosterer’s Instagram: @peppersfosterhome

Tanuki led half of his life in a cage and wheel that were too small for him. He was later abandoned by a bin in his now broken cage. His fosterer later realised that Tanuki’s tail is permanently bent because he was forced to run in a wheel too small for him.

Thankfully, he was rescued and has since discovered the delight of freeze-dried tofu. He occasionally gets hand-fed tofu and always retrieves it gently from his foster mum by placing his little paws on her finger — a testament to how good-natured this middle-aged boy is.

Despite arriving at his new temporary home very paranoid and skittish, Tanuki is now much friendlier and willingly hangs out on his foster mum’s arm while getting scritches on his head and his cheeks. When he is scared or unsure, he will tuck his ears back, keeping them tight against his head. When he is feeling all right, you can see him showing off the size of his big, floppy ears. He can still be a little shy at times and will shun hands especially when he is still in his cage but don’t worry, he never bites!

His foster mum is worried that he may not find himself a forever home due to his age and the colour of his coat (dark brown with white chest patches) which seems to be less popular. Please consider giving him a permanent home if you can because it will be a decision you will not regret.


Cage: 90x50cm or bigger; ideally 100x50cm or bigger 

Wheel: At least 30cm

Bedding: As per HSS requirements 

Food: As per HSS requirements 

Enrichment: As per HSS requirements