Species: Dwarf
Estimated age: 2.5 months
Gender: Female
Likes: Flax seeds, Vegetables, FP treats, Sunflower bed from fat pouches, FP premium mix, burrowing, bathing sand
Dislikes: being touched or held and picked up. She is a runner
As the clock strikes 12 (mid night) and lights are off, Gopi Bau appears from her burrow and starts running on the wheel non-stop and runs around the cage and back to wheel, like a dog getting zoomies. She is your mid night entertainment. She will eat from your hand once she trusts you, she doesnt like being touched though and will run away
It goes without saying she needs her space and time to trust you. She has the potential to be one of those super trusting and friendly hammies if you give her unconditional love, lots of food, her space, and be patient and make your home a safe haven for her. Oh and she loves bathing in sand
She likes to burrow, so he would really enjoy having a deep bedding. She comes out to drink water 2-3 times during the day and munches on flax seed sprays and sunflower bed, she also stuffs food in her pouch and takes it in her burrow and eats there. She loves to munch on all new snacks and treats that Fat pouches has to offer (spoilt brat, I know).
Wheel: she is using the 21cm wheel but you will need to switch to a bigger one once she is 5-6 months old
Bedding: Oxbow or Fatpouches tea bag bedding
Food: FP premium mix, small quantity of vegetables, mazuri block, Flax seeds spray, sunflower bed, lots of treats from FP, Whimzees chews
Sand: Versele laga, Chinchilla sand
Water: You will need to keep a small bowl of water for her too
Enrichment: hideouts, platform