Zeno (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf Hybrid
Estimated age: 3 months
Gender: Male
Likes: broccoli, kalian, tofu, boiled chicken, flax seeds, tomato, doumiao, Heinz pumpkin potato and beef, mealworms, attention, sqooshing himself in between the hideout and the walls of the cage
Dislikes: nil

Zeno is the all-rounder that we all wish we were…

Firstly, he is extremely photogenic! Have you ever seen a hamster look so cute while eating a worm? Scroll down for his photo reel to see him in action! You will notice that most of the shots (coincidentally) feature his right profile and let’s just say that the little guy knows how to work his angles :-) 


Also, he is extremely charming and will have you swooning over him in no time. Zeno is hand tamed and will climb onto your palm once he is comfortable with you. He is happy to eat on your palm and to hear you gush about how adorable he is! He is also extremely food motivated which will make the taming process slightly easier. The way to this guy’s heart is really through his tummy! 


Being extremely responsive, Zeno will perk up at the slightest sound and dash over to where you are, to greet you (he will appreciate some snaccs in return for his enthusiasm). He manages to pull himself out of his nap every single time he hears the rustle of a bag or a lingering voice and will peek out of his napping spot with his bleary eyes. He will make you feel so bad for waking him up that you find yourself offering him a treat as an apology (come to think of it, maybe that’s his secret ploy…)  

His fosteror’s favorite quirk about him is that he likes to sqoosh himself in between the back of a hideout and against the walls of his cage for his naps… it looks awfully uncomfortable, but it is rather comical, and Zeno isn’t complaining! He also likes to sleep in the open and in open top hideouts (which makes spying on him very easy!) 

All in all, Zeno is an extremely sweet and simple lil guy who is ready to charm his way into your heart :-)