Protein biscuit (recipe)

Mung beans are small, green beans that belong to the legume family.

In Singapore, mung beans are commonly referred to as “green beans”. You can find them easily in most supermarkets. Mung beans are a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are hamster-safe, and can be consumed raw or sprouted.


This recipe calls for sprouted mung beans. To sprout the beans, soak them over 24-48 hours in a glass of water. Change the water every 12 hours. They are ready once the taproot appears.


Other ingredients include mealworms, carrot, parsley and oil seeds. Feel free to omit the mealworms if you’re squeamish, or substitute the seeds with any hamster-safe oil seeds that you have on hand!

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Protein biscuit

Ingredients for 10 medium biscuits, or 25 small biscuits

2 tbsp roasted mealworms

1/2 cup sprouted mung beans

1 stalk coarsely chopped fresh parsley (leaves only)

1/4 cup grated carrot

2 tbsp flour

2 tbsp baby oats

2 tbsp wheat germ

2 tbsp water

1 tsp flaxseed

1 tsp sesame seed


Preheat the oven to 150c (302f)

In a large bowl or a ziplock bag, bash the roasted mealworms until coarsely ground

In another bowl, bash the sprouted mung beans

Combine all the ingredients except water, and mix until combined. Mixture would be crumbly at this point.

Add water slowly until mixture forms a sticky dough

Roll in balls or scoop the mixture on a lined baking tray and bake at 150c for 15-20 min or until it’s dry and golden brown

Let it cool before serving and enjoy!