
Species: Dwarf Hybrid 

Gender: Female 

Est. DOB: March/April 2024

Likes: Running, mealworms, nibbling on fingers. 

Dislikes: Being on her back, not running, bribery.

Fosterer’s Instagram:  


Cage: Min. 90x50x50cm - As per HSS guidelines

Wheel: Min. 21cm - As per HSS guidelines. 

  • PLEASE NOTE: She pees on her wheel ALL. THE. TIME. You NEED to wipe it down every day, or at the very least every other day. 

Bedding: Currently using a mixture of the following:

  • Oxbow Pure Comfort 

    • I find it to be a great bedding for tunnelling when slightly pressed down.

      • NOTE: it is important to manually crumble the compressed bedding when it is taken from the packaging while the hamster is NOT in the enclosure as this can create dust. Once this is done though, it will be fine for the hamster:). 

  • OPTIONAL: Timothy hay or Aspen shavings to provide texture and structure for tunnelling mixed into the paper bedding, or to place inside hideouts as extra texture.

    • Currently using Niteangel and Kaytee, but Oxbow is also ok.

      • ALTERNATIVE: Can also use the Marukan brand of Aspen shavings.

        • Optional: Shredded tissue paper for a pop of colour! Currently using IKEA brand coloured paper napkins.

    • She also has a bit of Niteangel brand dry moss layered with other hamster safe wood substrates in a few of her hideouts for texture. This is because kind donors to HSS have given us so many supplies over the years. (And with proper storage they can last for a while!)


Currently using a mixture of FatPouches Standard Hamster Seed Mix and Bunny Dream Expert Dwarf Hamster. 

  • I encourage you to also get a foraging mix from FatPouches such as the Foraging Seed Mix or Delight Mix! This can be sprinkled and lightly mixed into the bedding every few days. 

  • Alternative foraging choices can simply be another brand of HSS approved seed mix such as Rodipet brand to provide diversity in “healthy” feed/foraging.

  • She ADORES her XXS Whimzees.

  • I've also provided her with sprays like millet and flax. But she seems to love millet the most!!!

    • Millet can be the kind that is marketed to birds!


  • At least 3 hideouts 

    • Can be one large nesting area/chamber hideout and 2 smaller ceramic or cardboard hideouts.

      • Trustie brand from PLC for the smaller ones is a good option.

      • A main nesting area can be made by connecting 2 hideouts with one tunnel (EG: plain tunnel with middle hole, or T shaped tunnel - DIY them with cardboard toilet tubes!)

  • It is recommended she has enough bedding to properly dig around in. Please refer to the HSS website for further advice.

    • OPTIONAL: Non perishable treats and food hidden in bedding.

  • OPTIONAL: A dig jar or box partially filled with coco peat and mixed with non-perishable (as in not too oily to attract ants) and dry treats and seeds, as well as some short stalks of sprays. 

    • The FÖRVAR jar from IKEA is a good choice for this kind of enrichment activity!

    • RAJTAN from IKEA is another alternative. 

    • As long as the jar or container is slightly tilted or easy for her to get in and out of it should be fine. 

**Please note: Vezel has a slightly gunky left ear and as a result will likely need a vet to clean it out thoroughly every month or so. You will need to make an appointment with a hamster savvy vet as recommended by HSS to do so. 


Miss Mama Vezel is finally a single woman, free to run to her heart's content! Part of a surrender of 8 (eight!) hammies, she had only ever known what it was like to share a cage with other hamsters, and eventually her 4 pups. All themed around cars, Vezel was given the name in honour of all the speedy Grab drivers on the roads - since she is such a speed demon on her wheel. If you value your sleep, make sure your wheel is a silent one because she stops for no human. 

At first she was terrified of her fosterer, screaming when she had to be held and cleaned, but has now grown to resent her less as she's realised that ‘torture’ was a one off occurance. She still hates having to be on her back. Vezel will let you know when she's curious or annoyed with her little nibbles, but do not be afraid! She rarely chomps down hard, and will only become ferocious when terrified. Wouldn’t you? Otherwise your fingers in her space will only bring on her curious little love bites.

Vezel is a little fatty lady but there really is no need for body shaming when she can easily reach distances of 3 KM on average per night, putting her fosterer to SHAME… Vezel truly has blossomed into a cutie ball of ham and is a delight to watch and hold - and sometimes even kiss! Will you be parking this Honda in your Ham-garage?