
Species: Syrian

Gender: Female

Est DOB: March 2023

Likes: Food, large hideouts

Dislikes: Being held

Solei is a rather insular hammie and prefers to stay in her expansive hideouts till the dark of night and being left alone. Due to her background as a rescue she is very adverse to being touched and handled, so patience with an experienced adopter is recommended.

This girl is rather picky with her seed mix, but will happily eat her sprays and other Fatpouches treats given to her. A deep layer of bedding along with many hideouts would suit this girl’s personality best as she loves to snooze her days away.


Diet: Fatpouches Standard/Premium seed mix + Mazuri lab blocks

Cage: Unbarred 100x50cm or bigger

Wheel: 21cm or bigger

Bedding: Oxbow Pure Comfort/Teabag/Aspen

Sand: Wittemolen/Versele Laga Chinchilla sand

Enrichment: Multiple hideouts, sprays for enrichment, pine nuts

Tagline: Will roll over for pine nuts