Nibbles (Adopted)

Species: Winter White
Gender: Female
Est. Age: approx. 1 month
Likes: Flax sprays, silver millet, dried apples, burrowing, sleeping in burrows, dark spaces and running in her wheel
Dislikes: Small enclosures and pea flakes
Fosterer’s Instagram: @thehammyfoster

Nibbles is a tiny ham and is the most adorable hamster you’ll meet. She is so tiny that when she burrows, you might not find her! She loves running on her wheel alllll night!

She is a curious little thing and will wander to where you are to see what you’re doing. When you try to hand feed her, she will walk up to you and decides if she likes the food. If she does, she’ll take the food and munch it right there and then! If not, she’ll ignore you. Sometimes she’ll nibble on your fingers as well (Hence her name!).

Nibbles is very shy so her adopter must have patience with her. She will willingly take food from your fingers but she will not climb onto your hands just yet. But good news is that she’s happy to let you touch her when she’s awake and out exploring her cage. Taking the time to interact with her daily will help Nibbles get used to your scent and you!


  • Cage: 70x40cm or bigger, preferably without bars

  • Wheel: 21 cm, non-wooden as she sometimes pees on her wheel

  • Sand: Witten Molen Sand as she likes to toss in it

  • Bedding: Oxbow / Kaytee unscented paper beddings

  • Food: Bunny Nature Dwarf Hamster Dream Expert, SS pellets and fresh vegetables every other day

  • Enrichment: Multiple hideouts as she likes to hide and lots of bedding to burrow in