Easter (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf
Estimated age:
4 months
Gender: Female
Likes: Pine Nuts, Mealworms, Sand
Dislikes: Being disturbed when burrowing
Fosteror’s Instagram account: 

Easter is a chonky, vibrant young hammie who loves life! She is a bit shy at times but warms up quickly to people. The only condition is that you come with food!

She loves to roll around in the sand, flaunting her summer bod. Easter is also an avid fan of burrowing, which makes thick bedding a must! When she sits on her butt, her fat rolls and ever-full cheek pouches make her look so adorable! One can say that she is the epitome of a chill ham!

Just like human beings, she does not like it when her personal space is being invaded. In other words, she does not like it when her bedding is being prodded and poked when she is burrowed. She WILL scream at you! Hoomans are advised to wait for her very frequent appearances in her sandpit to interact with her.

She is a ridiculously photogenic hammie too. Get ready to have your camera roll loaded with her photos when you welcome her to your home.

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