Hendricks (Deceased)

Est Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Rescued: 28 July 2019
Likes: Pine nuts, tunnels, peanuts, digging, sleeping in his wheel
Dislikes: loud sounds and sudden movements

Hendricks is a sweet boy who is curious and gentle. He is just aching to be loved and actually likes being held and cuddled! Despite being just a little scared, his curiosity usually gets the better of him and he tries his best to not be scared while while exploring a new area, scents and sights during play time.

Hendricks is a lovely sweetheart who is going to make a good pet for anyone who wants a strong bond with their hamster! To top it off, he has the most photogenic face and strikes a good pose during photo taking sessions. His favourite thing to do is to eat, sleep and run on his wheel. You will often spot him lying flat on his wheel, fast asleep.

We initially suspected that Hendricks had respiratory problems as his breathing is a little heavy. On top of that, his left eye seems to be bulging out a bit more. The vets have advised that his heart and lungs are clear but he may have a mass or tumor growing inside him that is causing pressure in his eye.

That said, it is hard to assess at this stage and he is behaving normally with a good appetite and energy! He is very young and still has the potential to live out a full life.

Because of his medical condition, Hendricks should only be adopted by experienced hamster owners who will be willing to love and care for him through thick and thin.

Who’s up for a shot of Hendricks?