Hamster Society (Singapore)

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Gina (Adopted)

Species: Winter white dwarf 

Estimated Age: 3 months 

Gender: Female

Likes: Free roaming 

Dislikes: Being woken up 

Gina is an active young girl. Her activeness means she would need an enclosure with many enrichments for her to explore and run around. She loves to make burrows and often sleeps in the tunnels during the day time. It is highly recommended to provide her with at least 6 inches of bedding so that she can dig til her hearts content. Spot cleaning is a must as she has a habit of peeing in her tunnels. 

Although she is okay with little pets on the head while she is eating, Gina is still timid and shy and will zoom away as soon as you try to catch her. However with positive reinforcements and enough bribery with her favourite foods, she will become more tolerable with handling. 

Gina also enjoys running on her wheel. She’ll often spend most of the night running on her wheel so it will be good to invest in a good quality and silent one. 

Are you the one to provide young Gina a forever home?