Hamster Society (Singapore)

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Ichi (Special Care Needed) (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf Hybrid

Gender: Female

Estimated Age: 6-7 months old

Likes: A huge lover of all snacks in all forms, all shapes, all sizes

Dislikes: Human fingers... I will attacc!!


Ichi was rescued from a hoarding case, with a special little right eye which is a result of inbreeding and fighting with other hamsters that were housed with her. Despite this, when rescued and once settled down alone, Ichi has shown that she is a happy, active, hamham. You can also find Ichi squished against the wall sleeping, and it's very adorable!


Ichi is not aggressive, but she is terribly frightened because of what she has gone through. She has recently opened up her trust and allows herself to be picked up with gloves. Also because of her eye, she can miscue your finger as a snack! And she LOVES snacks and will attaccc!! We are looking for a owner who can shower this girl with love, see through her cute quirks, and spoil her as she has suffered enough.


*Ichi's eye needs to be supervised closely in case of any issues that may occur in the future and would require special care.


There are no specific requirements required for Ichi.


However, see what Ichi's foster uses for her for your inspiration:


Cage: IKEA Samla

Bedding: Fatpouches Teabag

Food: Fatpouches Standard Mix

Sand: Wittemolen Chinchilla Sand

Wheel: 21cm Acrylic Wheel

Enrichment: Super thick bedding (>10cm) for burrowing, Hideouts, Millet sprays/herbs for foraging!