Bean (Adopted)
Species: Winter white
Est Age: 3 months
Gender: Female
Rescued: 28 March 2019
Likes: mealworms, peanut butter, vegetables, running on her wheel
Bean is a bonus hamster of the kirei/kirin family! She has gone through unfortunate circumstances as a baby, which has led her to us. She loves digging in her bedding and likes to hide in there. She is obsessed with her wheel and can spend several hours a night running in it. Ever since joining our foster care programme, we have observed that she is a really active and hungry little girl. She is ok with being picked up and stroked over short periods of time, but gets nervous if she’s held for too long.
Because of what she has endured, Bean is still afraid of humans and fosterers are actively engaging her with hand taming to recondition her mentality. Potential adopters will be required to continue with daily bonding sessions, as she is showing improvement in her temperament every day. Bean might not be suitable for little children.
As of 15 Apr, Bean is able to be handfed, sits on palms to eat, and will allow you to stroke her while she eats from your hands)
Scroll right for more pictures of little bean!