Hamster Society (Singapore)

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Shrimpy (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf hybrid
Estimated age: 4-5 months
Gender: Male
Likes: Sorghum spray, freeze dried tofu, maybe burrowing, RUNNING, SLEEPING and really anything that can fit in his lil pouch
Dislikes: Being woken up, mealworms?!?!?!
Fosterer's IG: @coco_bimbom

Shrimpy is a really gentle ham that doesn’t know how to bite, doesnt mind being picked up and thinks that EVERYTHING is FOOD! He was definitely picky about his food when he first came but once he has settled in, he has definitely became a glutton😬 When he first came, he was super skinny and is able to wiggle out of your grip easily LIKE A SHRIMP and even looks like one 🦐🦐 (imo ahhaha) but throughout his time here, he has definitely gained a few grams and is now unable to wiggle out easily🤪 He likes to stand up straight like a meerkat! (+cute bonus!)

Shrimpy also runs really quickly when free roaming, and definitely has no fear of heights and walks STRAIGHT OUT OF your palm so PLS BE CAREFUL!⚠️ However, when in his cage in the day, he becomes VERY lazy and just sleeps all day long, only running on his wheel and exploring when the lights are off. You will most likely see him sleeping in the open or poking his lil head out of his hideout once in awhile, and then falling back asleep in that position😍 (a tip to get him out of his hideout is to off the lights!)

Shrimpy is really clumsy though and sometimes tumble backwards when trying to stand up to look at you🥺 THUS it is recommended to not have high platforms in his cage in case he falls and makes sure he has a deep bedding (at least 8-10cm deep) to cushion falls and allow him to burrow!! He has displayed his burrowing abilities by digging through his pee pad EVERYTIME and creating a secret underground passageway during his mite watch!! Shrimpy also likes to lick your fingers thinking it is food because i feed him mash from my fingers so he thinks its mash everytime😝

(Shrimpy is still on mites medication but will soon be cleared🤩🤩)